Matsthani sarvabhutani ......................... Is there any distance in existence of two different objects ? Existence in the sense of being there. Space is, time is, sun is, moon is, earth is. On the earth - mountain is, valley is, the tree is, the cow is, the woman is, the child is, man is. Is there any difference in the isness ? ........ In the appreciation of asti - is, there is no visesam. This undifferentiated astitvam, isness , is sat ......... So too, the body is. Each cell in the body is, a perception is, perceived object is, the thought is, the thought is .... Knower of the thought is .... the content of the knower, the meaning of the word "I" is what is that ? The conscious knowner enjoys his being in New York. The knower changes, as knower of this, as seer, as hearer, what is it, that is undifferenciated in the knower ? That means seer is ...... hearer is .... doer is .... experiencer is ..... The undifferentiated ,being, the meaning of I is,what is.
The conscious knower has its content in consciousness which is the satta samanyam, the basic existence is. Cit samanyam ....... consciousness.Knower, hearer, seer, doer is. A thought cognitive or collative, a thought is but consciousness. The object of thought is consciousness. Space is consciousness, time is consciousness, sun is consciousness, sun consciousness is, space consciousness is, time consciousness is. Is consciousness qualified by sun, by time, by mountain, by valley, by cow, by child, by a woman, by this body, by a man, by ears, by eyes, by a sense of smell, sense of taste, sense of touch, by thought, by knower ? Unqualified is consiousness, qualified as knower, acknowledged as known ....... Is there anything outside is consciousness ? Saccidatma, masthani sarva bhutani ...... suksma bhutani ......... sthula bhutani ...... suksma bhautikani, sthula bhautikani, sarva bhutani.
There is nothing besides sat and cit. Sat is cit. Nothing beyond saccit. There is nothing besides saccit. There is nothing more then saccit ! .......Matsthani sarva bhutani ............... This "Is" consciousness na ca matsthani. All that is, is me. Is consciousness, undivided, non - dual whole ananda - saccidanandarupoham .......... saccidanandarupoham .......... ahamevahamvyayah ............ Bhagavan says - masthani sarva bhutani ! When we recognise the meaning of the sentence, you say - masthani sarva bhutani ! ...........The knower is born of the saccit as the pot is born of the clay, the knower is born of saccit. The knower resolves in you. The knower, the hearer is born of me saccit. Satcit varenyam. Resolves unto you saccit ! No gain, no loss. A pot is born of me, saccit, sustained by me, saccit,resolves unto me. An object of thought is born of saccit, sustained by me saccit, unto you resolves ....... From whom the pot is born, the knower is born, the known is born , is you ,saccit. By whom the born is sustained, is you ......... saccit .......Unto whom what is born, what has being, goes back, that is you saccit ........ You are ........... There is nothing outside ..........saccidanandarupoham .......... saccidanandarupoham ...... ahamevahamavyayah ......... ahamevahamavyayah .......... ahamevahamavyayah ........... OM .......... OM ............ OM ................. OM ...........
OM Santih Santih Santih