Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Saksi Caitanya – Pearl Richards

Who and what is the Saksi Caitanya here in this mind ?

Is it a stranger passing through without regard to me ?

Peeking around corners of the mind who is seeing who ?

How does one know the svarupa of Saksi Caitanya ?

The tears filling the well of sadness of humanity cannot change this svarupa, an ocean of happiness.

Feeling released tears falling from Saksi Caitanya eyes Isvara manifests as waterfalls of empathy.

Through crying eyes much compassion finds non-resistance, Gentle hands reaching to comfort hearts in the seat of prayer.

When children's laughter is heard through Saksi Caitanya ears It meets the fulness of ones self reflected in shared joy.

My Guru has surprised me with answers unexpected.

This Saksi Caitanya in all beings is the same ' I '.

Freedom – Pearl Richards

Where is freedom for this soul that seems to be reaching out ?

Amongst white chipped mountain tops inhabited by gruff goats, Wind born eagles soar with eyes sweeping lofty nests and prey At breath gasping heights where no competitor comes to play.

Where is freedom for this soul that seems to be reaching out ?

Sun scorched grunting space shuttles hurtle through earth's atmosphere.

Their destination, flung beyond earth's thinning nebulae, Is endless dark planets hidden behind yesterday's stars.

Where is freedom for this soul that seems to be reaching out ?

Wisemen wander where no eagle talons or space ships land.

Sadhus, yearning to find spacial dimensionless places, Looking all around, are sincere seekers missing the sought.

Wisemen know that there is no place to go or see or leave.

' I am ' freedom from which this soul seems to be reaching out.

Mangalam – Pearl Richards

The seat of peacefulness of this mind is all mangalam, Quietude, completely self satisfied, needing nothing.

Nothing is required when there is no other being.

Subtle shadows reveal something other than what is seen.

The mind is a reflecting pool where one finds space to pray.

Sometimes beside this hushed alter images of worship, Bhagavan in special forms, arise to greet the mind.

Siva, Krishna, Rama, Durga, Laksmi, Saraswati, Ganesha, Daksinamurti, ones very own Guru.

At other times Isvara is seated with no form.

How can Bhagavan be formless yet seated in the mind ?

There is no place where Isvara is not as though seated.

This is the mangalam of all pervasive Isvara.

Everywhere one joyously abides in Bhagavan.

Sri Ganesha – Pearl Richards


Gentle eyes of Sri Ganesha, reflecting pools of love, Draw one to that which is profound , unseen and fathomless.

On first introduction confusion stalls understanding.

The mind takes flight hiding behind walls of familiar sights.

But Ganesha's presence beckoning one to the unknown Reclaims hidden connections to this form's beautiful soul.

Here stands worshipped deities enchanting, solemn and still In a temple of lingering devottees' devotion.

Struggling to make sense of the source of Ganesha's presence, Which invokes the devottee in all who come to Ganesha's feet, Searching for the link between Ganesha's feet and ones own soul, A mysterious fusion is discovered at those feet.

No longer are there two, the worshipped and the devottee, But One Being, a Presence of limitless, boundless love.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Meditation on The Changeless

Wednesday, August 19, 2009 13:38

The deha is made of a conglomorate of cells. Each cell is subject to birth, disease, old age and death. Each cell is time-bound. Changes in the cells / body are revealed in the presence of self-evident, self-revealing consciousness that is ever changeless - nitya. Pleasant and unpleasant changes in the body are ever-revealed in the presence of self-evident, self-revealing consciousness that is ever changeless - nitya. The consciousness that is indeed 'I" is never altered by any of the changes in the body…. Nor by the apparent presence of the body.

 The mind is teeming with thoughts and feelings. Every thought comes … to go. It arises, is sustained and disappears. The thoughts, the feelings keep changing. Pleasant and unpleasant changes in the thoughts are ever-revealed in the presence of self-evident, self-revealing consciousness that is ever changless - nitya. The consciousness that is indeed "I" is never altered by any changes in the mind. Pleasant thoughts and feelings don't alter consciousness. Unpleasant thoughts and feelings don't alter consciousness. These are illumined in the presence of consciousness - they have no power to alter consciousness - even as wave has no power to alter water - being not other than water. Even as the sun ever-illumines and is ever unaltered by what is illumined in its presence, so too the light of consciousness is ever unaltered by whatever is illumined in its presence.

 Sakshi - consciousness the only truth that never deserts one - that is ever present - totally lovable, totally acceptable, not having an iota of limitation - being totally free of every thing that is illumined in its presence. In the total freedom that is one's truth, one is totally acceptable as one is to oneself. Total acceptance of oneself as is … is possible, when one recognizes the total freedom from all limitation, that is one's truth.

 Let go holding on to the idea of "I' being limited by anything whatsoever. Simply let go. Don't hold onto any limiting belief about "I". Let go. Be Bold. Be Fearless. Let Go.

 You are sakshi - the limitless, changeless, awareness, Truth. You are That, right now. All you have to do is let go of the notion that you are what is revealed in your changeless presence.


Om Tat Sat


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

You Are Self-Evident Consciousness

You are unlike everything else in this universe. How is that so? Everything else is an object of your knowledge. Sounds, touch, forms, tastes, smells, memories, thoughts, feelings, doubts, resolutions … all of these are objects of your knowledge. You are the one, in whose effortless presence, knowledge takes place.

To assimilate this fact … here is tiny meditation.

Sit quietly. Close your eyes and relax totally. As you relax, there is no will being used. You are relaxed and awake to the world around you, even though your eyes are closed. Without any deliberation, or effort you simply hear the sounds around you. The fact is 'hearing takes place'.

Why does it take place? Well, the ears can hear and there are sounds around-any sound, the mind is not else where, and so hearing takes place. The sounds are an external fact. Your mind is reporting them is also a fact. Yourself being there, without willing or wishing is also a fact. You have a capacity to will, is a fact. Now it is kept suspended, is also a fact. There is no judgement.

You, the simple conscious being, being present –effortlessly, hearing takes place.

The simple effortless conscious presence that you are, is not altered by the hearing.

Now open you eyes. You, the simple conscious being, being present – effortlessly, sight of different objects takes place. The forms are an external fact. Your eyes and mind are reporting them, is also a fact. Yourself, being there, without willing or wishing is also a fact.

You, the simple conscious being, being present – effortlessly, sight takes place.

The simple effortless conscious presence that you are is not altered by the seeing.

The basic truth about you, which is EVER-PRESENT, is simple conscious presence. A table also is present … yet the table is not conscious. Your presence is a conscious presence, to which we give the word CONSCIOUSNESS.

Basically you are simple consciousness in whose effortless presence, all knowledge takes place. Seeing form is a piece of knowledge. Hearing sound is a piece of knowledge. The sensation of touch is a piece of knowledge. The taste of a fruit is a piece of knowledge. The smell of a ripe mango is a piece of knowledge. The feeling of sadness, or love or happiness is also a piece of knowledge … that takes place in the consciousness that you are. All these become evident to you, the self-evident, self-revealing consciousness.

The objects of your knowledge don't reveal you. In you, the self-evident, self-revealing consciousness, all the objects of knowledge are revealed. They are all objects of the consciousness that you are.

Like in the light of the sun, all objects are impartially revealed, so too in the light of consciousness, all objects of knowledge are impartially revealed. Like the sun is never altered, by what it reveals, so too consciousness is never altered by anything revealed in its presence.

About the self-evident, self-revealing consciousness that you are, much is to be discovered, for which the words of Vedanta are a means of knowledge. The discovery of the TRUTH of the consciousness you are, frees you from all sorrow. Then you really live life in fullness – without fear, without projecting your fullness onto anything else.