Monday, December 31, 2018

Do not bypass bhakti

🙏🏻Pride of being a Vedanti and not worshipping the Lord can become a big obstacle - because you lose a great support system.  Atma-jnanam will give you strength from within, however till then you require a support system.  And that is provided by bhakti - love, reverence and surrender to the Lord .
 So Pujya Swamiji emphasises this again again. Pujya Swamiji had been teaching and helping sadhakas for 60 years. So in all talks he emphasised the need for connection to Ishvara as it is very much required until nishtha takes place. Sometimes in over enthusiasm people miss this.
You are satcitananda, but as long as jiva bhava is creating a problem for you, you need to handle it thru Bhakti. The Vedantic way of handling may not appeal to your heart. If somebody insults you are you are able to say I am does not bother me at all, then you don't need a support system. If somebody gives you news that all family members died in the house and you are able to say it's ok they died, everybody has to die someday ...all are anantma and therefore will be destroyed, I am drashta ....then you don't need a support system. Are you able to do that?
This is the Vedantic way.

Until we can do this let us have the UPS of Bhakti. Bhakti provides you the backup. And for very long time we require back up. 
..Swami Sadatmananda, Acharya Arsha Vidya Gurukulam, Annaikatti🙏🏻
