Friday, August 25, 2023

Nididhyasana Points

 ‘I am body’ belief responsible for division of experience into internal and external.

‘I am awareness’ understanding makes us see that all experience takes place in division-free awareness.

‘Internal’ thoughts and ‘external’ sounds … both are known in the same space of  division-free awareness.

Our attention whether on an external to body object or internal can never leave consciousness/awareness.

In awareness there is no border, no boundary.

Awareness is formless, border-free, boundary-free… always free of the objects that are illumined/revealed in its ever-presence.

Awareness, the essential me, is fullness, empty of all objects, free of all limits.

All experience appears in Awareness, and I am that Awareness.

I am awareness of the nature of fullness, empty of all experiences appearing in me.

I, awareness, of the nature of fullness, empty of all experiences appearing in me, am untouched by all experiences that are illumined in my presence.

I am awareness, of the nature of fullness, that is ever pure, that does not need to be purified, emptied, or expanded. Antahkarana needs to be purified, freed of clutter of unnecessary thinking, expanded, relatively so as to understand this.

All factors of all experiences, arises in awareness, totally pervaded by Awareness – they are temporary manifestations or appearances in awareness/consciousness of consciousness itself. ( यतो वा इमानि भूतानि जायन्ते येन जातानि जीवन्ति यत्प्रयन्त्यभिसंविशन्ति तद्विजिज्ञासस्व तद्ब्रह्मेति (तै.उ.३-४) All beings here are indeed, born from this infinite consciousness, having been born, they remain in infinite consciousness, and on departing, they enter into infinite consciousness.)

Awareness NEVER actually changes to become any factor of experience. It only appears to do so. Every factor of every experience, the experiencer, the experience, the experienced object is a totally dependent reality (mithya) while the awareness/consciousness of which they are made is satyam the independent reality. … even as wave is a dependent reality on water the independent  reality.

No factor of any experience or the experience itself is able to divide consciousness awareness, because the whole experience is nothing but consciousness itself … just as all waves are nothing but water.

Awareness/consciousness that one essentially is the Divinity, Ishvara, the background screen as it were, in which all experiences temporarily appear and disappear, from which all experiences borrow their seeming existence. There is nothing else here except Ishvara.

In absoluter reality, there is no plurality whatsoever. From the standpoint of consciousness, there is nothing else here other than consciousness. Ekam eva advitiyam. Plurality appears real only in ignorance of the reality of absolute non-duality.

All experiences are nondual consciousness alone. We in ignorance, interpret experiences to be plural.

Om Tat Sat