Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Coming back to one's real self

My best friend and mentor leaves his body. The feeling is 'I am lost/alone'.

The feeling I am lost is seen. Who sees this feeling? Is the one who sees the feeling lost?   Can the one who witnesses the feeling be lost?

The feeling 'I am lost/alone' comes and goes. When it comes, one's attention is fully on it. One believes in it. One identifies fully with it and one says 'I am lost, disconnected, alone' and consequently feels sad, bereft etc.

When one is distracted because of doing something else, one's attenton moves away from the conclusion and one is free of the sadness till such time as one is distracted.

Now the question is am I whatever I am feeling? I say it is 'my feeling'. If it is 'my' feeling must be different from me, the one who is aware of the feeling.

Is the one who is aware of the feeling, the same as the feeling?

Because when the feeling goes I am aware of that too. So I am constant awareness in whose presence the feelings/ conclusions come and go. I am different from what I witness.

Can I shift my attention to who I am, instead of giving my attention to whatever I am feeling and then believing and identifying totally with it?

Attention is a power I have.
Believing is a power, as is identifying.

When I give my attention to what I witness, believe in it as my reality and identify with it ...i am not in alignment with who I really am....which is simple awareness-consciousness free of whatever is witnessed in my presence.

To give one's attention to anything is a CHOICE. To turn ones attention from the object, to the one who is aware of the object is a choice in which the attention and choice gets swallowed and one remains as objectless awareness.

Awareness-I is always free of all that is witnessed in its they be external objects or internal ones.

Without understanding this when I use any coping method, it is giving reality to the feeling  as being the truth about me the one who is in reality only a witness.

Understanding this, one can use a coping method as an interim measure to get some space inside, when the identification  with whatever one is feeling is too strong.
Om Tat Sat