Sunday, July 29, 2018

Transforming Negativity

The moment you recognise that you are being negative, you are in the present, and in presence (consciousness that illumines the negativity) there is no negativity.

It is when we are unaware of the ever-presence of self-revealing consciousness that such negative states reassert themselves.

To be ever aware of the ever-presence of self-revealing consciousness is not easy when your attention is elsewhere and it is easy when you realize it is your self which is always present. This happens easily when your mind is quiet and resolved.

To be aware of your self as you are requires you to be at peace with yourself and the world.

Much of the our attention and energy is locked up in psychological patterns that need to be addressed as a part of our spiritual practice, so that the energy trapped in our psyche can be released and become available to the transformation process of the inner instrument of the mind becoming sattvic.

This requires authentic spiritual knowledge from a teacher who has discovered the truth, dedication  spiritual disciplines. And of course it requires time and patience.

One of the tools that can be used to counter negativity is to try and replace the negativity with right attitudes to life born of understanding one's relationship to the whole(the Lord).

Negativity is an unconscious process and the positivity  of right attitudes is a conscious one.

So, when you find yourself in a negative state, and that process of awakening to that fact is already a change of state, consciously choose to think healthy thoughts born of right understanding and slowly your natural state will change.

Don't become discouraged - transformation will come with patience and effort.