Tuesday, January 21, 2020

A must have book - Mandukya Upanishad commented upon by Swami Viditatmanandaji

Swami Viditatmanandaji taught 11 classes  on Mandukya Upanishad during a retreat held on June 27-30, 2008 under the auspices of Arsha Vidya Center, San Francisco Bay Area. The 12 mantras of this Upanishad are the subject matter of this book.

Even though this book is a commentary only on the mantras of the Upsnishad, everything that is there in the Bhashyam and Karika are to be found in it.

To avail of the book in India, write to tattvatirtha@gmail.com. In the US, you may write to avpbooks@epix.net.

Incidentally, the cover does not contain this picture of either Swami. Since both Swamis are my Gurus, I stuck the picture there.

Om Tat Sat