Monday, September 6, 2021

A Contemplation


When going out in the open for a walk, sometimes I like to contemplate the 5 elements model (pancha mahabhuta  model) of the universe. In Taittiriya Upanishad we have the 

तस्माद्वा एतस्मादात्मन आकाशः संभूतः। आकाशाद्वायुः।वायोरग्निः। अग्नेरापः। अद्‌भ्यः पृथिवी।पृथिव्या ओषधयः। ओषधीभ्योऽन्नम्‌। अन्नात्पुरुषः।

From that (Brahman - pure limitless Consciousness), which is this atma (self), space is born. From space air is born. From air, fire is born. From fire, water is born. From water the earth is born. From earth plants are born. From plants food is born. From food the human being is born. That human being, made of the essence of food, is indeed this body.

In the Upanishads,  we see the universe which includes our body -  is  presented as nothing but the combination of the five elements. The five elements in turn are not separate from pure limitless consciousness - as the effect is never separate from the cause ... just as pot (the effect)  is not separate  clay  (the cause) or wave is not separate from water. . In fact they are nothing but pure limitless consciousness - just as wave (the effect) is nothing but water (the cause).

Consciousness is presented as the cause of the universe. Here in the five element model of the creation we see that consciousness is the material cause of the universe. As material cause it pervades the entire universe. This amounts to understanding that our own  body-mind-complex as indeed the world, is nothing but a manifestation of consciousness. 

Yet Consciousness is also presented as unchanging in the Upanishads. How can  Consciousness manifest as the universe without undergoing any change?

Consciousness is endowed with the shakti (the power) to appear as the changing universe of names and  forms. So Consciousness is also the All-Knowledge  (where Knowledge includes intelligence and power) principle or shakti that manifests as the universe. 

Is the universe a parallel reality to Consciousness? No it is not a parallel reality - it is an 'as though' reality - a dependent-on Consciousness, temporary reality, changing moment to moment. 

This Consciousness is the same consciousness principle in each individual, manifest as the "I" sense as in 'I am'. It the same Consciousness principle in us,  because of which we know every thought, feeling, sensation, because of which the body automatically breathes and functions as a living being. 

On another note, while walking today, my thoughts turned to "can I the individual consciousness communicate with the cosmic consciousness, can I receive knowledge, can I receive guidance from Ishvara, the cosmic consciousness? Will mechanically reciting prayers be the same as actually communicating or talking with Ishvara?