Thursday, December 30, 2021

The sense of being localized is not real

 A common issue that we face after studying Vedanta, is the dehatma buddhi ...meaning the sense of I am the body, which is really the sense of being localized.

When we examine this 'I am the body' feeling or sense, we discover it to be a thought, and even a sensation in the body ...somewhere in the body. It's very convincing. Yet this sensation or vritti can't be the truth about me, because :-

* It's not always there with me deep sleep, or even when deeply absorbed in something it's not there

* It's an object of my knowledge and I am not an object...I am the one who illuminates all objects

So when I convinced that this sensation or vritti is only due to false identification, it's time to drop it by not subscribing to again and again be alert  to recognize it as not real  and live as the universal consciousness that one the recognition of one's shared being with all that is.

Om Tat Sat