Thursday, December 14, 2023

When will a study of Vedanta make sense?


This discrimination that whatever result action gives is limited – is the beginning of spirituality. Usually we seek happiness, security, adequacy through doing some action or the other. However whatever we can gain through action is always limited – limited in time, space and object. Actually what we are seeking is not impermanent happiness or security. We are seeking that which is nitya – that which is permanent – permanent happiness, permanent security. Once we recognize these two facts

1. That what I am seeking is permanent happiness/security

2. That whatever action I do can only give me impermanent happiness/security etc – I can go to the gym and workout – at the end of it lots of happy hormones are released and I feel good – how long will that feel good last?

We are ready to ask the spiritual question – if action cannot give me the permanent happiness/security I am seeking,  what can? Was my very assumption that ‘I am not happiness/ I am not secure’ and ‘I can/must get it from somewhere/something’ be wrong?

When we begin to think like this,  a study of Vedanta makes sense!