Friday, December 18, 2020

Stillness - some thoughts


The reflection of consciousness in the mind, is the awareness that we are familiar with, usually engaged in thinking, remembering, feeling, imagining, perceiving, visualizing....always engaged in objectifying in some form or the other.

When we are advised, be present, live consciously ...we are still engaged in objectifying ... very consciously of imagination and visualization, free of thoughts of the past, free of thoughts of the future...we just engage with the immediate is a type of meditation you can say.

When the mind is fully present there is a stillness experienced ..true. Is there a division between the experiencer of stillness and the stillness? It is not that the mind has stopped. Perception is taking place, action is taking place ...and yet there is this still infinite presence. The experienced stillness is an expression of the motionless self. 

This stillness is an expression of myself in the mind. I can use it to understand my timeless nature. Does the stillness have any boundaries? Is it not of the nature of infinite timeless consciousness in whose vast, spacious ever-presence, every perception takes place, every action takes place,  every perception and action is illumined and enlivened.

Sat – timeless existence of the nature of cit – consciousness that is Ananta – infinite ...that alone I am ...

Infinite in time is ever-present, changeless, indestructible

Infinite in space is everywhere, indivisible

Infinite in object is  formless, no dual or plural

Never an object of thought – but the very essence of thought, from where thought emerges, is sustained and goes back

Never the knowing ego

Totally free of the mind, even the Cosmic mind

Recognizing as oneself, pure infinite presence ...there is nothing to do, nothing to learn, nothing to achieve, nothing to succeed, nothing to fail, nothing to object whatsoever ...soham..citsvarupoham...cinmayoham.... satcit-ananda-svarupoham ...soham