Sunday, December 20, 2020

Understanding who is a sanyasi


Write down a heading 'Who I am’.

Under that make two columns titled ‘With reference to the body’ and ‘With reference to the mind'.

Write below the columns respectively all the labels including roles you give to your self.

After that, write down another heading titled ‘What I own or possess or have'

Under that make two columns again titled ‘External to the body'  and  ‘Within me’.

Write below the columns respectively all that you think you possess either externally or within yourself.

The fire of knowledge, the teaching of Vedanta, requires you to be very honest, and ask yourself a couple of questions about all the items you have written under these columns

1. Are they objects of your knowledge/ consciousness?

2. Are they dependent or independent?

3. Are they temporary?

Now imagine this roaring fire of knowledge – offer into it  all that you have written down which fits into the category of ‘object of knowledge’, ‘dependent’, ‘temporary’. Visualize them burning to ashes and being blown away by some huge wind of understanding.

What remains? Maybe some items still remain. If so, again put the three questions to them...if any of the categories pertain to them, offer them into that roaring fire of knowledge and see them burnt to ashes and blown away.

Is there anything remaining? 

Who knows what remains? What is the essence of the knower? The one who recognizes this and remains as this, is a sanyasi.