Saturday, March 28, 2020

Sadaa Purno'ham - Ever Full am I

Om Gam Ganapataye Namah

I am the Consciousness that does not have to do anything, that does not have to know anything...
Naturally identified with the bms owing to karma
Yet free of ignorance of my true nature, I choose to identify with the bms, and
I choose to do. I choose to know.
When I drop all efforts to do something, to know something, I easily see myself as I am - purna
Purnata that is the self, does not go, does not disappear  when I do, or know....that is knowledge. Sadaa purno'ham.
I am the Consciousness that does not have to do anything, that does not have to know be purna.
I am purna.Sadaa purno'ham

Om Tat Sat