Sunday, March 15, 2020

You can't be casual about Vedanta study

Vedanta is so easily available now. So many blogs, websites, YouTube videos .....all presenting Vedanta. So many teachers desperate to impart the knowledge. However, many teachers are half-baked and many a time the seekers are not ready.

So there could be a certain casual attitude towards it's study...taking it for granted. The price you pay for that is you don't gain much ...just some lip-service knowledge.

In Katha Upanishad we see

नायमात्मा प्रवचनेन लभ्यो न मेधया न बहुना श्रुतेन । यमेवैष वृणुते तेन लभ्यस्तस्यैष आत्मा विवृणुते तनूंस्वाम् ॥ २३
This Atma is not recognized through talking about it,  or  through much use of intellect,
or by listening to many talks. This Atma is recognized by the one who chooses it. For such a one, Atma reveals its own nature.

You have to choose to know - you have to prioritize. You can't be casual. If you are casual, atma-jnanam will by-pass you!

Om Tat Sat