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Om. Oh! Goddess Mother, Oh! Bhagavadg¢t¡, (you who were) taught by Bhagav¡n N¡r¡ya¸a himself for the sake of Arjuna, the son of P¤th¡
(Kunt¢), (you who were) faithfully collected and reported by the ancient sage, Vy¡sa, (and placed) in the middle of the Mah¡bh¡rata, (you who are) in eighteen chapters, you who have the nature of showering the nectar of non-duality, who is the destroyer of the life of becoming (saÆs¡r¡), again and again I invoke you.
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Oh! Vy¡sa the one whose intellect is vast, whose eyes are clear and as pleasing as a fully blossomed lotus, who lit the lamp of knowledge well by filling it with the oil of the Mah¡bh¡rata, to you, my salutations.
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Unto the one who is the wishfulfilling tree for those who have surrendered, who has the whip in one hand and the symbol of knowledge in the other, (and) who milks the nectar that is the G¢t¡ — unto that K¤À¸a, my salutations.
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The UpaniÀads are the cow; the joy of cowherds, K¤À¸a, is the one who milks; Arjuna is the calf; the one whose mind is clear is the one who drinks the milk; and the invaluable, timeless G¢t¡ is the milk.
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I salute K¤À¸a, the Lord, the teacher of the world, son of Vasudeva, destroyer of KaÆsa and C¡¸£ra, the greatest joy of Devak¢.
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With Bh¢Àma and Dro¸a as its banks, Jayadratha as its water, G¡ndh¡ra
(áakuni) as the blue lily, áalya as the shark, K¤pa as the speed of the water's flow, Kar¸a as its breakers, A¿vatth¡m¡ and Vikar¸a as its killer whales, and Duryodhana as its whirlpools, the river of battle was indeed crossed by the P¡¸·avas, because the boatman was K¤À¸a.
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May the spotless lotus, Mah¡bh¡rata, born of the waters of the words of the son of Par¡¿ara
(Vy¡sa), having the meaning of the G¢t¡ as its sweet fragrance, with its many stories as stamens, fully opened by the revealing stories of the Lord, Hari, relished happily day after day by the honey bees who are the right thinking people of the world, (this lotus of Mah¡bh¡rata) which destroys the blemishes of Kali-yuga, may it be for our good.
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I salute K¤À¸a, the Lord of LakÀm¢ (wealth), whose nature is fullness, whose k¤p¡, grace makes the mute eloquent and causes the lame to scale mountain tops.
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To the Lord about whom Brahm¡, Varu¸a, Indra, Rudra, and the Marut-devat¡s praise with divine hymns, the one whom the singers of the S¡maveda praise by singing with a full complement of the limbs (of singing) in the order of pada and krama and the UpaniÀads, the one whom contemplative people see with minds resolved in him in a state of meditation, whose nature the celestials and demons do not know, unto him, the Lord, my salutations.