Saturday, June 23, 2018

Opening the heart in the non-dual vision

In the vision of Shastra there is only non duality. You are that non-dual self and everything that you can objectify is non- different from yourself. So if you recognize Shastra’s vision, you can very well say “I am self-evident, self-revealing, changeless, formless, infinite, boundaryless, everfree, pure consciousness and there is nothing here that is separate from myself. I alone apparently manifest as all that is here - whether it be snakes, scorpions, lizards, ant, elephant, a blade of grass, tree, clouds, wind, fire, water, earth, space, time, humans, gods, different planes of existence. There is nothing here that is separate from myself.”

If there is a wave in the ocean and it recognises itself as water, then as water when it looks at the ocean, it sees only itself. Every wave in the ocean is nothing but itself. The foam, the bubbles….they are all but itself. There is nothing that is separate from water.

As a result of this vision the wise person enjoys a heart filled with loving-kindness and compassion towards all, a heart free of harsh judgements and criticism.

अद्वेष्टा सर्वभूतानां मैत्रः करुण एव च...Bhagavad-Gita 12.13
He is one who has no hatred for all beings, who has the disposition of a friend, who is most compassionate…..

The wise person sees all beings as himself. So he does not have any hatred or ill-will towards any being even if that  being causes him some pain. Seeing himself as all, he understands the pain behind the behaviour of a person who is trying to hurt him. His vision is very clear. He sees all beings as waves in the ocean of consciousness that is his own self and so he is free from ill will towards all beings.

He is now a friend to all beings. He has the feeling of loving-kindness towards all. He is most compassionate. He is ready to help all,  in whatever capacity he can, if they need help. Helping is natural to him. In fact he is a refuge for all beings.

This was about the wise man. For those who have yet to attain this vision, who want to attain this vision, opening one’s heart to all beings by bearing no ill-will or hatred towards others, filling the heart with loving kindness towards all being and a spontaneous readiness to help others when they need, becomes an important sadhana.

The prayer लोकाः समस्ताः सुखिनो भवन्तु becomes meaningful and it becomes an important attitude he deliberately cultivates in his life.

Om Tat Sat