Saturday, February 19, 2022

Vedanta is not meant for denial of psychological pain


 Om Namah Shivaya Gurave

Vedanta is not meant for denying the not so pleasant aspects of the psychological personality. 

All aspects of the psychological self, including the not-so-pleasant ones, like the anger, the shame, the guilt, the hurt, the jealousy, the greed, the craving, the loneliness, the sense of persecution, the frustration.... its endless - all of pain - both psychological and physical, needs to be admitted to without denial, and healed with compassionate acceptance. It is a sweet tapas....

The cognitive net that Vedanta offers through the vision of the whole self that is free of all objective experience, can make it much easier to admit to the pain and offer it  the compassionate acceptance that it is crying out for, and thus allowing the painful heart to  heal.

The healed heart, the heart that has opened to accepting all aspects of the psychological self, can much more easily recognize and own up the absolute truth, that the self is indeed free of all pain - has always been free of pain, is always free of pain and will always be free of pain. The self is indeed virajam – untainted, vishuddham – pure, vishadam – clear, vishokam - ever-free of grief.

Om Tat Sat