Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Sri Ganesha – Pearl Richards


Gentle eyes of Sri Ganesha, reflecting pools of love, Draw one to that which is profound , unseen and fathomless.

On first introduction confusion stalls understanding.

The mind takes flight hiding behind walls of familiar sights.

But Ganesha's presence beckoning one to the unknown Reclaims hidden connections to this form's beautiful soul.

Here stands worshipped deities enchanting, solemn and still In a temple of lingering devottees' devotion.

Struggling to make sense of the source of Ganesha's presence, Which invokes the devottee in all who come to Ganesha's feet, Searching for the link between Ganesha's feet and ones own soul, A mysterious fusion is discovered at those feet.

No longer are there two, the worshipped and the devottee, But One Being, a Presence of limitless, boundless love.