Monday, January 11, 2010

Meditation – Adapted from Swami Dayananda

OM...... OM...... OM........OM ......... OM .........

Unless you choose , there is no disturbance. The external world , consisting of these sounds from birds would disturb you , if you choose. The choice is relatively silent situation.

The birds would not disturb you if you let go your choice and be yourself. The external world simply becomes a fact. If it consists of words like these or chants or the noise from the birds, they are all the facts. It has no capacity to disturb you. The external world can disturb, can hurt the physical body… not the simple conscious being that you are.

As a person, the external world has no capacity to disturb you when you recognize yourself to be the ever-present simple conscious being always. In this meditation let go your choice and simply be. Become familiar with what it is to be oneself, without being the one who has to choose always. If you are familiar with yourself as you are, free of roles, free of choice, you never choose to get disturbed. This is a very basic fact.

One has to be familiar with oneself, free from choice.

You are a conscious person. Without choice you hear these words. What choice did you have, when you hear the external sounds? You have no choice. That is how the fact is. If you can hear, you hear OM ....... OM ...... OM ...... OM ....... Let whatever happens in your mind. When you are accepting it, you are accepting yourself. You are non-judgemental. In other words, you are kind to yourself. Kindness to another person is to be non-judgemental. Understand, it's the same thing with reference to yourself, as being non-judgemental. Let the mind be as it is.


OM .......... OM .......... OM ...... Sri.. Rama ... Sri .....

Rama ..... OM ..... OM ..... OM ....... Sri Rama ... OM .......

Santih ........ Santih ........ Santih ....... OM ........